Party: APK Hollday Party w/The Mongrels! No Cover/$3 drinks/Pastries and Foodies!!

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APK Hollday Party w/The Mongrels! No Cover/$3 drinks/Pastries and Foodies!!

Club: The APK

Upcoming: 14
Date: 12.12.2014 21:00
Address: 347 Clarence St., London, Canada | show on the map »

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Party: APK Hollday Party w/The Mongrels! No Cover/$3 drinks/Pastries and Foodies!!

We're having a christmas Party!
The Mongrels will be playing good old rock 'n' roll.

Food, presents, pastries, fun, $3 beers, music!


Invited: Matthew Toth, Paul Sutton, Laura Campeau, Grant Stein, Fran Tran, Adil A, Christan Mariyanayagam, Brittany Backhand, DJ Zoltan, Cedar Scandelous, Samantha Brennan, Caley Lunan, Jen HalfStack, Aaron Brown, Doc Wayne, Kieran Morgan, Dennis Anderson, Tyler Hetherington, Dave Hamilton, Claude Denis, Amrit Toor show more »
