Party: Tonight - Mashed! With HOT MALE STRIPPER!! Propaganda

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Tonight - Mashed! With HOT MALE STRIPPER!! Propaganda

Club: Propaganda

Upcoming: 6
Date: 04.08.2015 21:00
Address: 107 Ferensway, Kingston upon Hull, United Kingdom | show on the map »

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Party: Tonight - Mashed! With HOT MALE STRIPPER!! Propaganda

You know we like to give you a treat on a Tuesday at Mashed? This Tuesday we promise to give you a nice bit of naked oiled up eye candy! A buff dream hunk will be crashing our ‘Mental Tuesday Social’ fulfilling all your filthy fantasies! 100% guaranteed satisfaction!

Nana V will be your host playing party tunes to make you jump and scream! Poker out the back with lovely Leah! Free grub at midnight and drinks from £2
Plus all the usual Filthy Fun, Dirty games, and Lots of Sambuca!
