Party: MAD:AM ❄ 28:12 ❄ LET:IT:SNOW

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Party: MAD:AM ❄ 28:12 ❄ LET:IT:SNOW

MAD:AM's and gents,
As we slowly get towards the winter, we're missing one thing and one thing only: snow. So if it's needy, we will even make snow for u, just because we can and will do everything, just for u ;-)

This will also be the last MAD:AM untill the 15th of Februari. (except from NY:E at MAISON CLIC'EAU)

◊ DJ'S ◊
Paranormal Tracktivities
Martinez And Lorenzo

18+ strict ID-control
For table reservations contact Nick van Velthoven, Sebastiaan PT Denys or Younes Amajoutt.


The Villa
Limbastraat 1,
2030 Antwerpen (stad)

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