Party: Forty Five THURSDAYS | Hosted by M&T

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Party: Forty Five THURSDAYS | Hosted by M&T

♫ Drum & Bass all night long with M&T and guests
♫ DJ's: M&T, Hypoxia, Carbon, Riotrash&Rivera, hosted by Mc Seko
♫ 22h00 - 22h45: HAPPY 45 MINUTES (1 coin = 2 beers)
♫ Doors: 22h00 - Entrance: €2
♫ 16+: Bring your ID


Uw wekelijkse rendez-vous met bier en vertier op Forty Five THURSDAYS. Vanaf 22u00 krijg je 45 minuten 2 pintjes voor 1 bon. Onze residents en guest deejays brengen een mix van all things underground. Deephouse, Trap, Drum & Bass, Garage, Bass Music en Rock.


♫ Entrance € 2 | Doors: 22h00 - 04h00
♫ Bootstraat 9, 3500 Hasselt
♫ Tag your tweets & instagram partypics with #fortyfiveclub