Party: Postponed! Dynamite Powerlifting Competition

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Postponed! Dynamite Powerlifting Competition

Club: Dynamite Powerlifting Club

Upcoming: 32
Date: 20.11.2016 10:00
Address: 15a High Street, Loughborough, United Kingdom | show on the map »

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Party: Postponed! Dynamite Powerlifting Competition

Another comp completed and lots of positibe feedback. So here is our next competition It will be the last one of the year, so lets finish the year with even bigger numbers. Cap of 30 lifters and like our last comp, we will be competing in weight class, wilks and highest total. The cut off date for the entries will have to be 20th October so that we can organise the day as efficiently as we can. If it's full, we will keep names in reserve in case anyone drops out.