Party: Valentine's Day Party

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Party: Valentine's Day Party

Celebrate valentine's day with us, early seating from 8 to 11 with our resident DJ and romantic violin. Late seating from 11 pm Bluezophrenia band will take the stage with amazing blues and rock n roll performance. Complementary drinks and more surprises.

House rules applies:
Couples only or mixed groups
Minimum entry age 25
We apply door selection policy & it closes at full capacity
Reservation is a must on 01003398000

Invited: Mostafa Youssef, Alberto Debsia, Mohammad Shawky Hassan, Alex Nicolas Habib, Sarah Mounir, Ahmed Shingy, Rana Mahmoud, Omar Kamel, Khaled Abol Naga, Ahmed Osman, Amir William, Mohamed Mostafa, Didi Awad, Amal Masalkhi, AShraf Nabil, Yasser Abo Ismail, Amir Ezzat, Lana Mushtaq, Ahmed Omara, Yousef Ahmad, Mohamed Chawky show more »
