Main page > Venus Club > ROYAL NIGHT
Upcoming: 1
Date: 12.01.2017 23:00
Address: Vana-Viru 14, Tallinn, Estonia | show on the map »
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Vastupandamatu neljapäevane öö Venuses, sest kohal on karismaatilised Russian Standard´i tüdrukud!
Diskoripuldis mängib parimat tantsumuusikat DJ Peeter Kukk ja showbaariletil veetlevad Blush Dancers tantsutüdrukud!
SOOVID TASUTA PEOLE? Attend´i ennast Facebook´is peole enne südaööd ning pääsed terve öö tasuta klubisse!
Pilet kell 23:00-24:00 € 2.-
Alates 24:00 € 4.-
NB: Venus Club piletiga kaasneb daamidele esimene kokteil maja kulul!
Esimesel tunnil kõik joogid poole hinnaga!
Venus Club invites you to a party with no borders. All what is forbidden is allowed. Party heat will be turned on by DJ Peeter Kukk. Marvelous dance show will be made by Blush Dancers at the bar table.
Drink of the night – Russian Standard Vodka.
Skip the queue and buy a VIP ticket here:
Ticket 23:00-24:00 € 2.-
After 24:00 € 4.-
NB: With ticket, for all ladies first drink on the house!
All drinks half price during first hour!