Party: The Big Music Quiz with Live Music from The Horsenecks
Main page > St Michael's Irish Centre > The Big Music Quiz with Live Music from The Horsenecks
Upcoming: 16
Date: 13.10.2017 19:00
Address: Boundary Lane, Liverpool, United Kingdom | show on the map »
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Friday 13th October may be unlucky for some, but hopefully not for lovers of music trivia. James McGregor, vice-chair of the Liverpool Quiz League (with appearances on Eggheads, amongst others) has put together an excellent set of questions to get your brains going, and straight after there's live music from the wonderful bluegrass outfit The Horsenecks!
We have some great prizes on offer, including tickets for The Whistlin' Donkeys, Derry band Strength N.I.A, our Fifties Night, and much more!
The rules:
* Maximum of 5 to a team, minimum 1;
* No mobile phones!
* £2 admission
* First question at 7:30pm!
Any queries please email [email protected]