Party: Miss Universe Essex Semi Finals + After Party

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Miss Universe Essex Semi Finals + After Party

Club: Shades

Upcoming: 340
Date: 04.10.2014 11:00
Address: 13-17 Alexandra St, Southend-on-Sea, United Kingdom | show on the map »

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Party: Miss Universe Essex Semi Finals + After Party



The purpose is to choose the contestants who will represent Essex at Miss Universe GB 2015.

You can still apply via

This Event will happen during the day at the venue where contestants will be judged and placed into the overall final of Miss Universe Essex

The X Factor Style Judging panel will Independently be scoring the girls on;

Interview Round and Catwalk including

Formal Wear
something that portrays their individual personality

Along with local press and guest celebrity judges our Sponsors already include Angel Champagne, Laurens Way, Michael Baah- Independent Herbalife Distributor, The Beauty Baah Boutique Shades Effective Entertainments Ltd & Herbalife




Invited: Amy Beyonce Marks, Josh Stanford, Philippic Beatbox, Ghavesh Sabherwal, Scott Kendrick, Marcus Bawden, Robert Webb, Kelly Amber Roberts, Kerry Melder, Stef Middleton, Chloe Davies, Sukveer Kaur Sehra, Shane Silver, Kelly Newton, Alexander Brady, Maria Louise Pezzuolo, Louis Waters, Rob Baines, Hass Abuesba, Abigail Clarke, Greg Belgrave-Reid show more »
