Party: LAST MONTH of Elektronischer Donnerstag
Main page > SchwuZ > LAST MONTH of Elektronischer Donnerstag
Upcoming: 3
Date: 07.09.2017 23:00
Address: Rollbergstr. 26, Berlin, Germany | show on the map »
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07.09. Elektronischer Donnerstag
w/ Rotciv, José Manuel, Yam Bataller
14.09. STRANGER #6
w/ Lucky Pierre & the Power Bottom Soundsystem (Mauro Feola & Samuel Gieben)
21.09. CRUSH
w/ Electrosexual, Mashyno, 2FARO
28.09. LAST Elektronischer Donnerstag
w/ Luigi, Oren Marzam, Liad Krispin
It's time to say goodbye - but not before asking you out for one last dance! BIG THANKS to all our fabulous cooperation partners, guests and DJs for the amazing moments we all shared during the last three years. ❤
Mauro Feola, Byron Reza Afshar, Yam Bataller, Francesco Macarone Palmieri, Stefan The Barber, Mashyno, 2FARO, Boyola, BRU/T Berlin, SADO MASO DISCO CLUB, The Barbershop, G day, Party Colare, Pornceptual, TrashEra, ://about party, Underthesea, Occultists, Pindaros Andriopoulos, Prosumer, Tama Sumo, Roi Perez and manymany more...
Now it's time to explore something new: Watch out for our new project 'PLAYGROUND', starting in october...