Party: Eraxsmusss Fluorescentv Party

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Eraxsmusss Fluorescentv Party

Club: Salento DiscoPub

Upcoming: 51
Date: 07.04.2015 21:00
Address: Didžioji st. 28, Vilnius, Lithuania | show on the map »

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TURNYRAS "POKER FISH" 18:00 @ Rojaus Tūzai

Party: Eraxsmusss Fluorescentv Party

This Tuesday our Erasmus night will be very colorful...A lot of glow gadgets and glow body painting are waiting for you... In few worlds we'll make you very... FLUORESCENT ;-)

And for all Students that live far from center and from Salento,will be possible like always to benefit of Salento free bus service...


from GIEDRIACIU STOTELE next Kalvariju turgus at 23:40
from "Baltupiai" near Mykolo Romerio University at 00.00
from "Sauletekis" near TVM University at
and in Sevcenkos str. near Corner hotel at
Coming back from Salento at 5.00 o'clock

Invited: Guillermo Torres, Lydia Noëlle, Evita Karam, Algirdas Sireikis, Elia LR, Fábio Coelho, Kristina Navaruckyte, Ingrida Valaitytė, Celilsemi Erkiner, Chirag Kubavat, Julija Daubaraite, Flavio Rosolino, Claudia Camagna, Berk Yenidoğan, Gonçalo Infante, Can Demirdağlı, Miguel Montiel, Frédéric Corpataux, Tolga Kapis, Giulia Vajana, Morgane Comas show more »