Party: Flux NYE Special || 31.12.14 || Y Plas

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Party: Flux NYE Special || 31.12.14 || Y Plas

NYE, a time when we reflect on the past 12 months of our lives. Our trials, tribulations... and of course our terrible hangovers.

See out the year in style as we hold one last Flux in 2014, with all the usual messy behaviour you've come to know and love! As it's New Years Eve, we'll be throwing in some special surprises to make this an event to remember.

Drinks will be at standard student prices, with champagne on offer over the bar for those who need to bring a little style and panache to their NYE.

Tickets are on sale from, with earlybird tickets priced at just £5. Grab one now before they go up in price! Only 1 student card per group is required for entry, and this can be from any University. If in doubt, inbox us.

See you on the dance floor x


Over 18's Only
Valid Student ID/Driving License/Passport required
Open to anyone with a Valid Student Card, from any University including Cardiff Met and USW, or guests of Cardiff University Students
R.O.A.R // B.Y.O.B (Bring Your Own Banter)

Tweet/Instagram your pictures to @FluxCardiff

Invited: Susanne Keri, Daphne Marisa, Ivory Yong, Milford Berry, Nnorthc Arolina, Shah Rafiqul, Andrea Olin, Jules Refugio, Clark Johnson, Allen Thomas, Jenkins Martin, Greenhyty Lopezrhyt, Camille Simmons, Powell Garcia, Lewis Taylor, Young Jackson, Perry Thompson, Hughes Clark, Catherine Oregon, Oregon Griffin, Long Martinez show more »
