Party: The Big Fat Quiz of the Noughties

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The Big Fat Quiz of the Noughties

Club: Dundee OpSoc

Upcoming: 29
Date: 13.11.2017 19:30
Address: , Dundee, United Kingdom | show on the map »

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Party: The Big Fat Quiz of the Noughties

As university students who grew up in the 2000s, we often look back at the days of playing Tamagotchis, buying 10p Freddos, listening to ‘Sk8r Boi’ on repeat and having that constant desire to be a Raven warrior...but just how well do you remember the decade of our youth? Can you still sing all the words to Poker Face? Can you recite every line of every episode of Friends? Just who exactly was Mona the Vampire? For a chance to relive your childhood and to win some prizes that are so #fetch, grab your teammates and head along to Air Bar, The Union in Sunny (Dun-)D on Monday 13th November for a pub quiz Nought to be missed! Tickets £2 per person and max 6 members per team.
