Party: Hot Club Of Valletta (Jazz Manouche)
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Live Jazz Manouche at Django Jazz Bar Valletta with the city's very own Hot Club.
Swing the night away at one of the hottest clubs on the Island!
Entrance €5
The Hot Club of Valletta will be looking forward to plenty of dancing and good times!!
Seating is first come first served but you wont want to sit!!
Invited: Rita C. Colomba, George Curmi Puse, Keane Cassar, Carola Ruggieri, Racucu Rucucú, Abbey Grech, Jasmine Bonshor, Daniel McKean, Peter Allardyce Scott, Daniel Cauchi, Claire Borg, Edward Duca, Bert Man, Alissia Benveniste, Sarah Sierra, Rodlene Gaunt Remax, Lynne Farrugia, Brigitta Rebecca Kessel, Eman Mifsud, Louis Manche, Maria P. Mantia, Elisa Camilleri, Lucy Indsky PG, Elizabeth Borg, John Curmi, Sandra M. Dingli, Giselle Calleja, Hannah Cremona, Gerald Grech, Alexia Lizzio, Lorraine Lewis, David Montebello, Noemi Bugelli, Runa Magnusdottir, Melanie Zammit, Karl Galea, Kristabell Catania, Zvezdan Reljic, Isabel Jakobsen, La Sarettona, Alba Cauchi, Maruska Brincau Salerno, Odette Salnitro, Pamela Hansen, David Cauchi, Angela Vella Zarb, Marinella Farrugia, Graziella Bertone, John Roy Davies, Maja Brown Blagojevic, Ruth Chircop, Naomi Attard, Charlie Rackstraw, Akos Kertesz, David Wain, Anthony Saliba, Charles Vella Zarb, Valentina Golfari, Keith Decelis, Chris Grima, Heather Scott, Aaron Sammut, Mario Bonavia, Priscilla Ainhoa Griscti, Alexandra Pace, Diana Vella, Mella Lanie, Aleksandra Kotarba, Andrew Falzon, Paul Magri, Elena Torou, Jan Pace, Pippa CM, Anne Marie Zammit, Matthew Schembri, Sarah Chircop, Andrew Manicaro, Maria Kovalakova, Fran Miceli, Jonathan Mallia, Maria Azzopardi, Sharon Bezzina, Robert J. Sultana, Mariele Żammit, Emanuel Tabone, Jennifer Micallef, Tony Busuttil, Emmanuel DeGiovanni, Terri Heckenlaible, Leta Shtorr, Andre Xuereb, Lesley Anne, Nigata JA, Violet Kulewska, Arda Baykurt, Sean Borg, Alex Zicotron, Barbara Montanari, Boris Cezek, Fabio Imbroll show more »