Party: Пасха Easter

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Пасха Easter

Club: Caesars Palace - Russian Club

Upcoming: 19
Date: 12.04.2015 01:00
Address: Vergiou 1, Larnaca, Cyprus | show on the map »

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Party: Пасха Easter

Приглашаем вас на празднование Пасхи в воскресенье, 12 апреля, в 13.00.
Русская, украинская и греческая традиционная пасхальная еда - баранина, запеченная в яме с углями, мясо на гриле, авголемони, кокоретси, куличи. Живая музыка.
We invite you to celebrate Easter on Sunday, April 12, at 13.00.
Russian, Ukrainian and Greek traditional Easter food. We will offer for you a lamb roasted by traditional old Cypriot way, pork and chicken on the grill, Russian koulich and Cypriot flauna. Live music.

Invited: Grigoris Grigoriou, Мадам Брошкина, Maria Eracleous, Tanya Semova, Sue Rabie Petropoulakis, Ioannis Mallas, Elena Volkova, Tatiana Khrapova, Renos Georgiou, Katerina Katerina, Loizides George, Andreas Kyriakou, Nim Salibi, Yulia Safronova-Andreou, Svetlana Voitovici, Anthos Myrianthous, Raed Harb, Anna Sabinina, Constantinos Xenophontos, Елена Винтер, Demetris Demetriou show more »