Party: "Pared" LIVE Flamenco Music & Dance Performance
Main page > Alma Flamenca, Saskatoon Flamenco Dance > "Pared" LIVE Flamenco Music & Dance Performance
Upcoming: 23
Date: 03.06.2017 20:00
Address: Drinklemall, #10 - 115 Third Avenue South, Saskatoon, Canada | show on the map »
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Alma Flamenca LIVE music and dance performance
-Two Performances in one night at The Refinery Arts and Spirit Theatre
Soñando, de cara a la pared
sin respirar, te quiero amar | Dreaming, with face against the wall without breath, I want to love you
LIVE Flamenco Music & Dance Performance by:
David Matyas (flamenco guitarist/Calgary)
Celedonio Garrido (flamenco voice/Spain)
Kari Alba (palmas/cajón/jaleo percussion)
Alma Flamenca dancers
Artistic Director: Kari Alba
Saturday, June 3rd
8:00pm show only
Performance Location: The Refinery Arts and Spirit Theatre (609 Dufferin Ave)
Ticket Information:
$25 adults, $20 students
Purchase performance tickets here:
Tickets available here too: 306.653.5191